Meet the people who are the heart of the foundation
Mindset Institute foundation for emotional education and mental health promotion

Magdalena Kowalska
Founder, Foundation President
Her mission is to support families experiencing a mental health crisis. She co-creates programs in the areas of empowering parents, increasing self-awareness and strengthening parenting skills. She believes in the health-promoting power of art and literature. She designs and conducts art therapy workshops for children and adolescents, focusing on bibliotherapy and art therapy using visual arts. Previously, she worked in communication and relationship building for more than a dozen years, working on the business side. Humanist. Volunteer. Graduate of Polish Studies at the University of Warsaw. She has completed numerous postgraduate studies, including Art Therapy at the Higher School of Vocational Training. She is currently studying Psychology (specialization: clinical psychology) at SWPS University.
As a mom of two teenagers, I understand the challenges parents face. I know that in building a child’s mental resilience, the support of the family and the immediate environment is essential. I also believe that a crisis can be a new beginning and an opportunity for a better future.
Monika Lipmann
Executive vice president, managing director
Psychologist with teaching credentials. She works at the Center for Community Psychological and Psychotherapeutic Care for Children and Adolescents (reference level I). She also runs her own psychological office. She gained professional experience through numerous internships, working in a behavioral early intervention center and a therapeutic kindergarten. For many years she provided individual therapy for children with special needs, as well as training for parents.
She is a graduate of the University of Social Sciences and Humanities, as well as postgraduate studies in Applied Behavior Analysis at SWPS in Warsaw. She is currently participating in the TPB cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy course with DM motivational dialogue, conducted by the Academy of Motivation and Education in Warsaw. She has completed a number of trainings in cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy, Applied Behavior Analysis, social skills training and working with individual patients.

Magdalena is in charge of coordinating the foundation’s projects and is also responsible for the day-to-day cooperation with the volunteer team.
Interior designer by education. She studied at the Academy of Art and Design in Lodz (2014-2017) and the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw (2018-2020). At both universities, she won the rector’s scholarship for the best students, and her designs were presented at final-year exhibitions. She has designed both private and commercial interiors. She co-organized cultural and artistic events (including: Łódź Design Festival). She gained additional experience working for, among others: an interactive agency and a technology start-up working in the HR field.
After two pandemic years in Warmia, she decided to change her professional life and started studying psychology at SWPS University in Warsaw in October 2022. Psychology (especially clinical psychology) turned out to be her greatest passion, and it is with this that she ties her future life.
Pomoc psychologiczna
Instytut Mindset oferuje bezpłatne konsultacje rodzicom
w sytuacjach kryzysu zdrowia psychicznego u dziecka. Wspieramy rodziców w procesie szukania specjalistycznej pomocy psychologicznej, diagnozy, identyfikacji potrzeb, psychoedukacji.
Konsultacje odbywają się stacjonarnie (Lesznowola k. Warszawy) lub online w każdy poniedziałek w godzinach 10:00 – 12:00.
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